Written by and photos courtesy of George Lonsdale As the 4×4 rolled down the last part of the dirt road into base camp, I was immersed in a new world. A world of green forests, new wildlife and research…and I was entranced….
Written by Adiel Cuschieri Photos Courtesy of James Orr and Roger Poland South Africa! Where do I even begin? Three weeks have so far flown by and I can honestly say that I never thought I could learn so much in such…
Written by Brinna Barlow Photo Courtesy of Andy Clark Each Monday evening in KM20 we run an opportunist herpetofauna walk (that’s reptiles and amphibians). I thoroughly enjoy these walks as they don’t get back too late and there is always a plethora…
Written by Dr Kathy Slater Photos courtesy of Akumal Dive Centre For the last 5 years Operation Wallacea has been operating in a small coastal town called Akumal that consists of extensive reefs, mangroves, lagoons, beaches with a high density of nesting…
Written by Dr Danielle Gilroy (Senior Scientist & Terrestrial Research Office for Operation Wallacea) I first became aware of a gender skew in academia during my Biology undergraduate degree. Among my course-mates it was clear that there were more female undergraduate students, but…
Written by and photos courtesy of Ethan Floro Towards the end of last June, I embarked on a two week educational journey to Africa. The purpose of this trip was to take part in the Operation Wallacea initiative and this time around,…
Written by Katy Chapman Photos Courtesy of Alex Tozer, Roger Poland, Marc Rabenenasa and Hannah Thomas Spring I spent six weeks this summer in Madagascar, getting data for my 3rd year undergrad dissertation, which was on colour change by chameleons in social…
Written by and photos courtesy of Alejandro Usobiaga 3D Modelling an Artificial Reef Artificial reefs have become an important tool for coral reef managers to battle reef degradation and help recruit macrofauna to the surrounding area. They can provide a refuge…
Written by Andrew Power Photos Courtesy of Ben Porter I travelled to Romania this summer for the first time to join the Operation Wallacea Transylvania team. I have always been a wildlife nut, growing up in Ireland, bird watching and catching butterflies since…
Written by and photos courtesy of Tally Yoh Cover photo courtesy of Andrea Rivas From the aeroplane window I realised Mexico would be nothing like I expected. My first time travelling, I was certainly a sucker for all the media hype. The…
Written by and photos courtesy of Sanni Hintikka You can find this post on Sanni’s blog along with more posts about Honduras at itsseaurgent And so it begins… It’s 3.30 am and I’m sitting on the couch of a hotel room in…
Written by Pimbuppha Pongtornpipat & Manaka Saito Photos Courtesy of Nicole Sabet Summer holidays could hardly get better than spending two weeks immersed in the African bush and the Indian Ocean coral reefs. A group of seven students and two teachers from Ruamrudee…
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