Documents found: 685
Gallego ZL, Berkum PM, Martin TE (2021) Opportunistic predation events of bats entangled in mist nets by margay Leopardus wiedii (Schinz, 1821) in northwest Honduras: recommendations to avoid prevantable casualties. Bat Research and Conservation 14(1): 34-37
Gress E, Kaimuddin M (2021) Observations of sea anemones (Hexacorallia: Actiniaria) overgrowing black corals (Hexacorallia: Antipatharia). Marine Biodiversity
Read MoreBodmer MDV, Wheeler PM, Anand P, Cameron SE, Hintikka S, Cai W, Borcsok AO, Exton DA (2021) The ecological importance of habitat complexity to the Caribbean coral reef herbivore Diadema antillarum: three lines of evidence. Scientific Reports 11: 9382
Read MoreNeate-Clegg MHC, Jones SEI, Tobias JA, Newmark WD, Şekercioǧlu CA (2021) Ecological Correlates of Elevational Range Shifts in Tropical Birds. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 621749.
Read MoreThomas O, Mangini G, Gualinga J (2021) Sleeping site fidelity in three neotropical species of herpetofauna. Herpetological Bulletin 155, 8-11
Read MoreWayman JP, Sadler J, Pugh TAM, Martin TE, Tobias JA, Matthews TJ (2021) Identifying the drivers of spatial taxonomic and functional beta-diversity of British breeding birds. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9: 620062
Read MoreOakley J, Theodorou A (2021) Triprion petasatus (Yucatecan Casque-headed Treefrog). Defensive Behaviour. Herpetological Review 51(1) 123-124.
Read MoreNahuat-Cervera PE, Barao-Nobrega JAL (2021) Coniophanes bipunctatus (Two-spotted Snake). Diet. Herpetological Review 52 (1) 151.
Read MoreGarcia B, Nahuat-Cervera PE, Baraoa-Nobrega JAL (2021) Scaphiodontophis annulatus (Guatemalan Neckband Snake). Diet. Herpetological Review 52(1) 170.
Read MoreAvella I, Jenner O, Barao-Nobrega JAL (2021) Leptodeira frenata (Rainforest Cat-eyed Snake). Diet. Herpetological Review 52 (1) 162-163.
Read MoreEvans AM, Marshal JP, Alexander GJ (2021) Forest patch characteristics affect reptile occurrence in north‐western Madagascar. Austral Ecology. Early View Version
Read MoreRamilison ML, Andriatsitohaina B, Chell C, Rakotondravony R, Radespiel U, Ramsay MS (2021) Distribution of the critically endangered Coquerel’s sifaka (Propithecus coquereli) across a fragmented landscape in NW Madagascar. African Journal of Ecology. Early view version.
Read MoreO’Connell DP, Martin TE, Kelly DJ, Marples NM, Analuddin K, Karya A (2021) Threats to an undescribed songbird species in Indonesia. Oryx 55 9-11.
Read MoreDochery EM & Thomas AD (2021) Larger floods reduce soil CO2 efflux during the post-flooding phase in seasonally-flooded forests of Western Amazonia. Pedosphere 31: 342-352.
Read MoreRaick X, Rountree R, Kurchevski G, Juanes F, Huby A, Godinho AL, Parmentier E (2020) Acoustic homogeneity in the piranha Serrasalmus maculatus. Journal of Fish Biology. Early view version
Read Morede la Guardia E, Perera-Valderrama S, Rojas DC, Espinosa-Pantoja L, García-López L, Hernández-González Z, Angulo-Valdése J (2021) Comparison of Cuban coral and reef fish assemblages recorded by visual census and underwater stereo-video technique. Ecological Indicators 121: 107220
Read MoreO’Shea OR, Van Leeuwen TE, O’Brien DA, Arrowsmith L, McCalman R, Griffiths M, Exton DA (2020) Evidence and description of a nursery habitat for the recently reclassified stingray Styracura schmardae from the Bahamas. Marine Ecology Progress Series
Read MoreRomain JJ, Exton DA, Smith DJ, Rose A, Vondriska C, Titus BM (2020) Comparative cleaning behaviour of Pederson’s cleaner shrimp (Ancylomenes pedersoni) between geographically close yet ecologically dissimilar coral reef habitats. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
Read MoreRose A, Titus BM, Romain J, Vondriska, Exton DA (2020) Multiple cleaner species provide simultaneous services to coral reef fish clients. Biology Letters 16: 20200723
Read MoreBool I, Slaymaker M, Magrath RD, Arfian A, Karya A, Analuddin K, Courtney Jones SK (2020) First record of acoustic behaviour in Sulawesi bear cuscus (Ailurops ursinus). Austral Ecology. Early view version
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